Monday, July 7, 2008

Bye-Bye Binky!

Goodbye Binky!!! Binky's are for baby's and bears are for big boys. That's what we tried to convince Iz of, but were not sure how it would actually work out during the night. Yesterday after church, our friends Traci and Chris watched Eli and we took Iz to lunch at Chili's and then to "Hanai Bear", a local version of Build-a-Bear. He named his new bear, "Baby". And to our surprise and relief, it went off without a hitch. He slept through the night, went down without tears or screaming and is still sleeping at 7:30am!!!

1 comment:

Grandma Cindy said...

Congratulations Isaiah. What a big boy you are. No more binky. That is awesome. You are growing and growing so big. I love your bear and those red boots. You are ready for the world buddy.