Saturday, January 31, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

A visit to the barber shop for Eli

It was time for a haircut for Eli. Both he and Iz loved all the toys at "Pigtails & Crewcuts". But Eli was not too happy about the haircut itself. Mommy took them by herself so sorry i didn't get any during pics...i was too busy holding a screaming baby while he was being tortured.

And the finished product...obviously still disturbed by the whole event! (just kiddin')

Mel's last day in the nursery...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mommy's 36th Birthday!

We celebrated with dinner and "Cold Stone Creamery" ice cream cake with our friends, the Tyler's. My friend Ceci Tyler's birthday is on the 21st so we celebrated together. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and the kids enjoyed playing together.