Friday, July 18, 2008

Pono & Mel's 15th Wedding Anniversary

Wow...15 years!!! It has gone by so quickly and at the same time it seems like a lifetime!
We had a great child-free dinner at Chai's Bistro @ Aloha Tower...thanks to friends Traci & Chris :D Looking forward to many more years together.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Playdough you can eat?!

Yum, edible playdough! What could be more fun? Here's the recipe...
Mix and knead: 2 cups smooth peanut butter, 2 cups rolled oats,
2 cups powdered milk & 2/3 cup honey. Have fun!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Two Men in a Tub

Rub-a-dub-dub, two men in a tub!

Heart-shaped pancakes

Mommy made heart-shaped chocolate macadamia nut pancakes. Iz loved them, but Eli was more interested in doing his morning pull-ups. Maybe he feels he is packing on too much blubber :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Bye-Bye Binky!

Goodbye Binky!!! Binky's are for baby's and bears are for big boys. That's what we tried to convince Iz of, but were not sure how it would actually work out during the night. Yesterday after church, our friends Traci and Chris watched Eli and we took Iz to lunch at Chili's and then to "Hanai Bear", a local version of Build-a-Bear. He named his new bear, "Baby". And to our surprise and relief, it went off without a hitch. He slept through the night, went down without tears or screaming and is still sleeping at 7:30am!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Saimin at Great-Grandma's

Saimin and good fun at Great-Grandma's house with Aunty Kiku. We love playtime with Aunty :D

Help from my Big Bro

It's good to have a big brother to help you out with those pesky shoes :D

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Chef Iz makes pizza

Pizza, pizza, pizza!!! Compliments of Chef Iz