Monday, June 30, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer Beach Days

Little Hawaiian boys...

We've been hanging out at the beach a lot lately and making new friends. Iz & Eli are definitely fish, just like daddy!

Looking forward to the rest of summer and many more beach days :D

Friday, June 13, 2008

Fish-Shaped Pizza

Okay, okay, i've been a bit busy! So there's 14 months missing. We'll just have to pick up here...

Mommy made her first homemade pizza in the shape of a fish. The boys loved it!!!

Elijah Keahipono Wong, a.k.a. Eli

Two years and 15 days later, we were blessed again...
Elijah Keahipono Wong was born April 12th, 2007 @ 6:41pm.
He weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 18.5 inches.

Isaiah Kaipono Wong, a.k.a. Izzy or Iz

Let's start at the beginning...
For the first almost 12 years, it was just Pono & Mel. Then life changed drastically, when God added color to our lives :D

Isaiah Kaipono Wong was born on March 28th, 2005 @ 9:47am
He weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 19.5 inches